WMU - Missions for Life

The vision statement of WMU reads:

WMU challenges Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus told His followers to go and share the gospel. Missions means obeying these words of Jesus. WMU wants to help all believers share the gospel in their communities, 

in the nation, and around the world.

WMU functions on four levels: national, state, associational, and in the local church. National, State, and Associational WMU provide help to the local church WMU. On all of these levels, WMU's work has six basic tasks that form the heart of all that WMU does. 

Each task is based on New Testament principles.

*for more information or details on any of these ministries visit www.wmunc.org click GO and EVENTS or contact our WMU Director, Vicki Dickerson.

The Six Basic Tasks of WMU

-Learn about missions.

Paul took time to tell the early churches what was happening in his missionary efforts. Learning about missions helps church members want to participate. It helps them develop abilities and methods to effectively pray for, give to, and do missions.

-Pray for missions.

Early Christians supported the work of Paul and other early missionaries. In reading the New Testament it is clear that Paul and others believed prayer was one of the best tools for the success of missions. WMU helps church members learn how to pray effectively for missionaries ad their work.

-Support missions.

As the church began to grow, early Christians realized that it was their responsibility to help support missions efforts in many ways. These included giving money to help missionaries like Paul and others do their work.

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-Do missions and witness.

In Matthew 25 Jesus teaches us that when we minister to the needs of others, we are showing our love for God. WMU encourages and provides opportunitites for church members to minister and witness to those who are not Christians.

-Develop spiritually toward a missions lifestyle.

In Ephesians Paul urges Christians to grow strong through God's power so that they can work for Him. WMU helps people grow in their understanding of who God is and what He is calling them to do. As they grow closer to God, people learn what their part is in fulfilling the Great Commission.

-Participate in the work of the church and the denomination.

The church's early members cooperated and worked together. WMU members and leaders are a part of the work of the whole church. This includes worship, evangelism, missions, ministry, discipleship, and fellowship.

Ministries of the WMU

-Missionary Support - through special offerings, prayer and education.

-Prayer Initiatives

-Mission Trips

-Project HELP: Human Explotation

-Military Missions

-Restorative Justice - Ministries to incarcerated females and their families

-NC Baptist Nursing Fellowship

-Multicultural Missions

-Children's Camps

-Carolina Girls


-Minister's Spouses Support Group

-Plunge 2 Poverty Simulation

-Women's Build with Habitat for Humanity

-WMU Leadership Network

-Financial Development

Our WMU Groups

We invite you to try one of our WMU groups for yourself and your children. There are several opportunities to join in the learning, fellowship, and participating in missions activities.

Women on Mission Morning Group - meets at 10:30am on the 3rd Monday of each month. Following the meeting, members go to the South Yadkin Baptist Associational office to work in the clothes closet/food pantry.

Women on Mission Evening Group - meets at 7:00pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in our Lineberger Student Building.

Craft Circle - meets on the 1st Monday of each month at 10:30am in Faith Hall to make a craft or sew pillowcase dresses for various ministry functions through the year.